Saturday, September 10, 2005

Tace's first time at a Bday party.

Woke up late today! We stayed up til 2:00 am at the Newman's. They love to visit and entertain. They had the kids playing games and making shakes in the pizza parlor. They had video games, movies and food! Those bears emded up over at the neighbors and they tore up their satilite dish. The girls got invited to go riding to Belkoski Bay. When they came back they were muddy from head to toe! They actually had fun. Lars ended up going also with the neighbor, Les. While he was gone Trace was invited to a birthday party of a classmate named Jalaya. She is now 5. He never got off my lap the whole time. Well he did go in to see the baby chicks in the bathroom. They were so cute. When it was time to hit the pinata he refused to put on the blind fold and stayed on my lap. Jalaya got a Dora the Explorer tent and Trace anounced to everone that he will not go in a girls tent, EVER! I am very glad to hear that! When we got home Lars pulled up covered in mud. He said that they had a better ride than the first time we went. He only got stuck 4 times instead of 20. I am the only one in KC that cuts hair and the word is getting out. I had my first hair cut today, Kim. She didn't want anything fancy but she is a paying customer! After dinner we all sat down and watched Sahara then fell asleep on the couch.

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