Monday, October 17, 2005


Today Trace went and played at one of his friends house. They moved here when we did. She is so in love with Trace. All she wants to do is tell Trace she loves him. Whe got over that after about a week. I have to work on Mondays and he is only in school from 8:00 to 11:30. The little gal invited Trace to come over and play, It has worked out ok. Trace is used to getting hugs and kisses from his sisters so he has adjusted pretty well. On my way home from getting Trade we stopped by the Humpy Hole and Trace calls it, and watched 3 old guys pull out Silver after Silver. They had Trace hoopin and hollerin every time the realed in a fish. It is going to be a stormy night so button down the hatches!

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