Saturday, August 13, 2005

Keep on keepin' on!

WOke up a 10:30am, made pancakes and ruined 2 pots of coffee. Our first visitor was a boy named Troy. WE made Trace stay inside and help put things away so we knew were he was while we were unpacking. He calls the laundry room the Sauna Room! It is the hottest room in the house. The girls and I got alot done. Lars has everything situated in the trailer. We have to stake it down so it dosen't blow out to sea. Robert, our Landlord/police chief said that the last radio tower and a 4 wheeler ended up in the sea so steak it down! For dinner we finished up the chowder and or 2 visitor came. It was LoriLi and Marissa, they brought over some blueberry muffins. Lori Li will teach 3 and 4 with Lars. She has lived here for 25 years and Marissa was born here. Today we have been feeling sick. Trace keeps saying mom, make the swaying stop! WE all feel like we are still on the ship, but worse! Shortly after Lori Li left the goulds came over to test our oven. We do need a new one. A work from the Muck: Why do we call feet feet? Lars had to begin in the greek era on that one. Trace lost interest quick.

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