Saturday, October 04, 2008

Esker Stream, Day 3

The alarm went off at 6:30 am and we both went back to sleep. At 7:30 am we got up and ate the same ol' oatmeal and coffee, geared up and headed out. It was a beautiful day. We headed up the trail which came to a quick dead end as it came to a deep stream that couldn't be crossed only floated. We tried another trail that took off out past the outhouse. It was prime moose country. (we guessed, we have never hunted for moose before. If I were a moose I would hang out there) So we hiked around and found alot of moose sign, but no moose. Made our way back to the cabin around 2:30 pm. We ate lunch and I took a nap. Lars went down to the stream that was slowly becoming clearer and caught a few more Coho. We walked the south beach for an evening hunt or you could call it a romantic stroll on the beach at gun point. (just kidding) We came back and packed up our things . Hans was going to pick us up at 2:30pm on Sunday. The tide has been going out around 10:30 am so we will pack out and do a morning hunt before the plan lands. This has been a great experience, I love seeing different country. We are definately going to come again next year.

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