Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tsunami warning in KC!

Yes it really happened! We were all asleep and the phone rang at 4:00 am, the answering machine picked up and the message said, "We are in Tsunami Warning, move to higher ground." After that I ran and listened to the machine to see if I heard right. I hung up the phone and ran around yelling for everyone to get up and then the phone rang again. Lars answered the phone and it was my boss saying the same thing. He said that the police chief will be giving directions at 4:30 am. It was 4:15, so he said to stay home and wait for the call. It was crazy wondering if we were really in danger. I knew that we were surrounded by many Islands and that they break all the waves coming in. We never see anything over 3 ft. high on the beach. We got the call that we were no longer in danger and the warning was off. There was a earthquake off the shore of Japan and we did get about 16 inches in water rise and that's it. Thank you dear God! All I could do was say a prayer and lay by Trace, I never did wake him up because I didn't want to freak him out. The girls huddled on the couch and Lars just sat holding the phone. Well, we surrvived a Tsunami Warning! All is going well, AndChristmas is on the way. It is time to get on the internet a go shopping! Hopefully I will get everything mailed in before the shitty weather hits! Happy Holidays! Love the Larsen's and Bowler's

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