Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Goose Day?

Well I started out with a goose that Lars shot and thought to myself, At least we'll be eating a bird for dinner and not fish. I am not knocking fish now, I just didn't get a juicy turkey last year, just a little piece of ham. Lars brought home 3 geese altogether and so we cooked one right away to see if it could really be eaten, like on "The Christmas Story". Man was it delicious! We all ate it and loved it! We loved it sooo much that Lars cooked it 2 more times later in the week which left us ZERO! No bird for Turkey Day! We then got an invitaion to dinner at my boss' home. Whew! I can't wait for turkey! Then I got word that Peter pan Cannery is serving Prime Rib and all the trimmings for Thanksgiving! $10 a plate! I thought to myself that hey this is quite a deal! So I am going to go buy a plate for whoever wants one and take it home and eat in the next day!!!! I can't just not take advantage of Prime Rib! And especially in KC! I don't have to travel anywhere, it came to me! Lars and I can just heat it up and call it date night at the Claim Jumper! Well and about that Turkey, the store just got some in so I decided to buy one for Christmas, just incase Lars dosen't get to shoot another goose before christmas, which would only last about 24 hours in our home anyway. The bill came to 49.95 for a 23 pd. Turkey! That includes shipping and handling and a killer inflation rate! I sure hope that turkey is good because that's what I am getting for Christmas! Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day!
I am very thankful for my loving family, near and far. I Love and miss you all!

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