Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Larsen/Bowler Family Christmas

As We drove around seeing the sights, we took in all the beautiful scenery. The beach was a the main attraction. Even though it was very cold the kids (mainly Trace) ran around on the beach and played with a stray dog that want to play fetch with a stick that he brought with him. I love seeing the ocean crash onto the beach lined with pine trees it was awesome! The shot of the kids is from shortest to tallest Muck is almost as tall as Amanda, then Elyse, Neisha, Saije & Jocelyn is of course the tallest of them all!


Tonio said...

Hi Ms. Larsen,

I came across your blog while trying to find someone who had lived in King Cove. I'm considering a move up there to take a job after school. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering some questions about housing and life out there.


Anthony Dicello
U Maryland dental school
ps. tried to leave a comment early so sorry if this is a duplicate.

Anonymous said...

It is so funny how your kids get taller with each new birth! From Andy and you!!! Love and miss you all!!!!!!

Jay Christi and Kody said...

nice scarf dude! who took the picture?