Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saying goodbye to King Cove

It was very hard to say goodbye to everyone in King Cove. I am so glad that we were able to be apart of the community for the last three years. Thank you all for coming to say goodbye. Hey don't worry it is a small world and we will probably run into you in Anchorage.


Unknown said...

ppshhh...i am glad you got off that freakin island!

Florene or Lori said...

Cherie: It's good to have you guys back "communicating!" I have missed reading all of your adventures! Oh, your adventures in Alaska sound like something out of an adventure book and makes me (sort of) want to come visit! Are you guys going to be in Alaska like "forever?" I miss all of our family mis-adventures!
Love you, Aunt Flo
Oh, yes, come visit me on my blog:!