Ya, today the Muck was eating school lunch and the dessert was cake. Oh, how he loves his cake!
I was in my class when Traces teacher came in and asked me into the hall. It has been happening a lot. If it's not Trace having girls fight over him, it is girls trying to hold his hand. Anyway, she let me know that Trace has swallowed his tooth. He stood there looking at me as if it was no big deal. I asked him if he felt ok and how it happened? His reply was, "I was taking a bite of cake and my tooth got stuck in it so I went a head and ate it!" He never wastes a good thing. All he wants for Christmas is a Wii, and his teeth before he turns 8! He is doing great in school, we just got his midterm and he is in the 97% in his class. His reading level is at 3.5 (almost as good as the 4th graders) Lars saids that he reads better than his 4th graders. He's Awesome! Even if he is toothless!
Hey! Long time no talk or see! We found you by accident and are so happy that you guys are doing okay. The kids have grown up so big! :) Drop us a line some time...marnold@scinternet.net
I would have kept eating my cake too! 'at a boy!
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