Woke up at 3:00 am, 4:00am, and 5:00am. I was afraid that I would wake up late and that we would have to run to get off the ship. At 6:45 am they set off a 15 min. warning bell that we are in King cove. the girls had pulled an all nighter with the rest of the kids that they hung out with during the trip. They didn't make it past 3:00am. I woke up the kids and we stuffed our bags and grabbed our pillows and hopped in the Gypsy. When it was our turn to load the lift I had a weird feeling. We were finally in King Cove. Our new life is beginging. A man named Don that works at the Clinic and had been on the Ferry with us, showed us to our home. We passed the cannery, motel/bar/restraunt, Post Office, Chineese Restraunt, and the School all in about 1 mile. Then over a stream stacked with Pink Salmon. (Humpback) Lars and Trace were very excited about that. Than 1 mile furthur and we were. Marie Gould was there along with her som doing some finishing touches. Everything was nice and we will have plenty of room for our family. Our trailer barely fits ibn the drive way. Our Suburban will have to stick out in the road until we get the trailer unloaded. We stopped unloading at 9:00pm, and not even close to being don. Trace had every kid in town wanting to play. First they met Lars and before he could introduce himself they were asking 101 questions. What's this?, what does this do?, how old is your dog?, etc. There are one or two kids that are rough and Lars had to tell them they were to big to be playing with Trace. THey acted like they were part of a gang or something. One boy named Ethan that lives across the street gets along with Trace very well. His mother is also the pre-shcool teacher. Saije and Trace got creative and made cardboard box cars and that kept them in doors and away from the crazy boys. Our first visitors were Marlene (school secretary) and Paul her husband. Lars got the local spill on were to go hunting and fishing. I got to use their phone to see how long it will be til we get a phone. 1 to 2 weeks, the girls are going to love that. OUr cell phones don't work here, Neisha flipped over that news! Elyse just flipped out finding out she can't go shoe shopping here. Saije she just wants to meet some kids and hang out! Our next visitor was the Head Start teacher, Marty. She began the conversation by asking if Trace would like to go to Head Start, then do I want a job being a teachers aide? She didn't waste any time. She has long red nail, pointy glasses and big hoop earings! She is very hip for King Cove! So yea I filled out the app., It would be great to be gone when Trace was in school. We ate clam chowder from the Ninilchik clams and they were great! Lars wanted some garlic rolls with it so I whipped some up and through them into the oven. A cold oven! We found out that our stove dosen't work! We had no phone to get ahold of the landlords so I asked the nighbors if I could use there phone to call the Goulds. Got that all taken care of. They will test it tomorrow and bring a new one with them. Lars got out his trusty dutch oven and he cooked the rolls, which were alittle too brown but good! After dinner we crawled into bed and were very glad it was a bed!
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